Inspiring parents with natural solutions to create the most fulfilling, healthy and productive life possible for their children with autism. Empowering Parents with the Resources to Naturally Recover Autism from a mom who has done it. Having once been told her son could not recover from his symptoms of autism Karen Thomas now shares what she has learned through over a decade of personal research and experience that has brought her own son to recovery. Her background as a Craniosacral Therapist allowed her the awareness that the brain could heal if given the right support. Learn how you can allow your child a clear path for a happier and more fulfilling life with improved communication, better sleep, improved social abilities, and overall improved health. Get your FREE GUIDE to the top 7 foods to eliminate from your child's diet for better sleep, calmer moods, improved focus and speech at, NaturallyRecoveringAutism.com /7foods For more resources go to, NaturallyRecoveringAutism.com
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
7 Tips To Help You Lose Weight [Podcast Episode #162]
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Losing weight has far greater challenges if you’re not aware of seven crucial things. Many mothers talk about how their children on the autism spectrum (or they themselves) are having trouble losing weight. Often this difficulty is due to combined factors, beginning with a diet high in sugars and starchy carbohydrates, but other underlying health issues may be contributing as well.
Weight Loss Checklist
Healthy weight loss is a challenge for children on the autism spectrum. They may be eating what they believe to be a healthy diet and exercising, but still they cannot lose the weight. When this happens, I go through a mental checklist of seven things:
1. Metabolic syndrome
2. Liver congestion
3. Thyroid imbalance
4. Adrenal stress
5. Candida
6. Leptin resistance
7. Brain support
8. Bonus: mold Biotoxins
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Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Join Karen and Bryan Hubbard for the very first What Doctors Don’t Tell You seminar of the new year! Learn how Karen used her thirty years in the field of holistic health to find the resources and tools to help her son naturally recover from his symptoms of autism while also supporting him to live a happier and healthier life. Over the last 15 years, Karen garnered a passion to help other parents naturally recover their children who are on the autism spectrum and has become one of the top specialists in the field. In this interview, Karen also goes over the 4 stages necessary for autism recovery and answers common questions you likely have too. Please listen, learn and enjoy!
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Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Why Some Brain Supplement Programs Do Not Work [Podcast Episode #160]
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Whether your child has autism, ADD, ADHD, or any other neurological imbalance, it is known that natural brain supplements often work far better than pharmaceutical drugs without the negative or dangerous side effects.
If you are not seeing desired results from your brain supplements treatment program, there are several possibilities as to why:
- The wrong diagnosis.
- The wrong brain supplements treatment protocol, i.e. supplements, medications, or therapies. This also means the incorrect dosages.
- Citric acid is taken too close to supplement time. Citric acid as is in orange juice, lemonade, preservatives and more. It deactivates some medications and supplements. Do not ingest it within an hour before or after taking them.
- Stress hormones, namely corticosteroids, damage brain cells, especially the temporal lobes. They may also counteract the effectiveness of some treatments. Reduce stress level.
- Lack of support from family, school, caregivers or therapists; creates stress
- The wrong diet.
- Caffeine and nicotine use.
- Lack of exercise.
- Taking over-the-counter medications or supplements that may interfere with treatment.
- Mixing together incompatible medications and supplements.
- Not staying on natural supplements for a long enough period of time to allow them to work (minimum of three to six weeks).
- Purchasing cheaper, lower quality products in order to save money.
- Not having the right doctor. Using the doctor on your insurance plan may seem cheaper at first, but may cost you far more in the long run.
- Being in denial about what your child really needs and not getting the proper help...
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Thursday Dec 01, 2022
The Glycemic Index and Autism [Podcast Episode #159]
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
The importance of knowing the glycemic index of your food choices is a preventative measure in your child’s health and behavior. This will also help to prevent obesity and diabetes along with keeping his gut flora in better balance.
The glycemic index or GI is a way to measure the physiological effect that various foods have on blood glucose levels. Knowing this can help you to control those hunger and energy fluctuations during the day by eating better choices. This becomes very easy in a short period of time. Once you begin to learn what foods are high and which are low it starts to fall into common sense.
Based on scientific data foods have been tested to show their effect on blood glucose levels. Foods with a low GI will have less of an effect on blood sugar than foods with a high GI. The foods we eat have a direct impact on how quickly our bodies are able to digest them. Slower digestion gives your body a chance to regulate the release of insulin better.
Many inexpensive, pocket-sized books are sold on the glycemic index. It is worthwhile to pick one up and learn how the different foods you are feeding your child will affect his blood sugar. If we look around at the childhood epidemic of obesity and diabetes it is easy to see how it can be prevented by better choices of food. Some foods and their glycemic content are listed below. There are also many websites available.
• Foods with a high GI break down rapidly, therefore releasing glucose into the bloodstream very quickly. This causes a rapid release of insulin which starts to weaken the body’s ability to balance blood sugar levels. This also weakens the adrenal glands (our stress-handling organs), which then weakens the thyroid gland which helps to regulate our hormone levels. All of this contributes to diabetes and obesity.
Foods with a low GI will break down more slowly releasing glucose into the bloodstream more gradually.
Lower glycemic index foods will:
• Keep you feeling full longer
• Assist in weight loss, (by reducing insulin levels it helps you burn fat).
• Assist in the prevention of diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer.
• Help prevent hypoglycemia, which is associated with headache, fatigue, sleep problems, and lack of mental clarity.
• Improve blood lipid profiles.
• Assist in better cholesterol levels
• Help with metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance also known as Syndrome X).
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Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Diabetes Triggers and Prevention [Podcast Episode #158]
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
There are other physical problems that can accompany autism. One disorder that affects so many children today is diabetes. It is important to recognize the signs of diabetes, know the triggers and understand what you can do to prevent it from happening to your child.
Two Types of Diabetes
There are two types of diabetes: Type I and Type II. Type II diabetes is acquired insulin and leptin resistance and is directly related to poor diet, such as one high in processed foods and refined sugars, combined with a lack of exercise. If you are lucky, you can balance Type II diabetes with the proper diet and exercise with no need for insulin injections.
Type I diabetes is more severe. It is an autoimmune disease caused by the immune system attacking the pancreatic cells that produce insulin. People with Type 1 diabetes need injections of insulin to prevent death. Type I diabetes can be hereditary and its onset can be triggered by many things...
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Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Holiday Eating and Behavior [Podcast Episode #157]
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
The Exponential Harm of Inflammatory and Chemical Laden Foods
Many foods eaten during the holidays such as sugar, gluten, dairy and food dyes will cause exponential harm to your child’s health and behavior. These foods bring common food allergies, inflammation, as well as physical and emotional instability. They are not good for anyone, but children on the autism spectrum and with ADD are particularly sensitive to these chemicals. Their detoxification systems are not as capable as others to handle them. Their brain cells are particularly vulnerable also.
Symptoms to look for in histamine reactions
Symptoms from histamine triggers are both physical and behavioral. They can vary from itching, hives, rashes, sleep problems, anxiety, extreme mood changes, seizures, digestive issues and diarrhea to increased stimming and more. By reducing stomach acid histamines contribute to further issues with digestion working against your efforts to heal the gut, and is a common reason for GERD or acid back up. Too much histamine released causes histamine intolerance which causes mast cell activation. When this happens our protective mechanisms are broken down and we become hypersensitive to things we ingest or that are in our environment...
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Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Did you know that the gut affects a lot more than digestion? An ill gut can create symptoms such as poor speech, social connection, anger, depression, anxiousness, an inability to focus and concentrate, and much more.
It’s important to work with the root causes, then once the toxins, pathogens and inflammation are out of the way some of the physical and behavioral symptoms and the acquired allergies can be eliminated.
Autism can be a symptom, not a diagnosis. It can be a symptom of something underlying such as toxins, pathogens, infections, a compromised immune system, and inflammation in the brain. Many things cause the symptoms of autism. It’s not just one thing.
Gut Healing
Yes, there is much involved in healing leaky gut and if we don’t heal up the lining of the gut that is allowing undigested foods into the bloodstream so the immune system reacts to them then it keeps happening. The gut lining has many reasons why it may have holes like candida, parasites, glyphosate (in Round-Up weed killer that is sprayed onto food crops), mold biotoxins, Lyme. If we don’t get to the core of the issues then it keeps happening.
Supplements are required along with the right diet for a long enough period of time, and getting the coinfections cleared. We also must support the organs of detoxification and their pathways during this process. It all takes time. Once all of this is done, or greatly reduced, the allergy elimination can work on eliminating the allergies that were acquired during the time when the gut was ill. Make sense?
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Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
The mind fears that the unconscious rage will break out into consciousness. It creates a physical distraction to keep your attention on your body instead of the rage. We rationalize structural pain because it is socially acceptable.
We must acknowledge the psychological basis for the pain to get to the subconscious. The unconscious is terrified by the rage. We must acknowledge and accept the emotions.
Think of your repressed rage and the reasons for it. The conscious speaks to the subconscious. You tell your mind that you know what it’s doing and it’s not needed. By identifying them they reduce the symptoms such as back pain or headaches, etc.
It helps to list all of your reasons for anger, even from childhood. By identifying pressures consciously we reduce it. Find solitude.
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Thursday Sep 08, 2022
The Autism Rate Surges To 1 in 30 Children in the U.S. [Episode 154]
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
1 in 30 U.S. Kids Diagnosed With Autism in 2020 — What’s Behind the Surge?
The Children’s Health Defense released an article on the surge of autism and the newly updated diagnosis rate for children with autism now being 1 in 30! According to a JAMA Pediatrics research letter published this month by a team of researchers in China, 1 in 30 — 3.49% — of children and adolescents ages 3 to 17 were diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 2020
The letter also referenced a new study showing a 53% increase in ASD in American young people since 2017.
What is behind the current surge? Sadly, the CDC and other institutions in the medical community do not wish to dig deeply enough, so risk factors have not been adequately considered.
“Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, attributes risk factors beyond genetics to the development of the condition.
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Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Supporting your Child’s Brain & Body with the Detoxification & Die Off Process
Detoxification often begins with the liver. When your child is loaded with toxins, the liver is congested and cannot function properly, creating a variety of physical and emotional symptoms.
Until the liver is supported and working better — and many toxins have been gradually eliminated — the body is not able to handle detoxification or a die-off process.
Toxins are in the blood, inside most cells, and are in fluids outside the cell, causing the pain, symptoms, and behaviors your child is experiencing. The cells want to get rid of them and a process of detoxification and protocol through nutrition and supplements will help.
What is die off?
Die-off is not an illness or infection, it’s a temporary syndrome in response to the process of detoxification. It is the body’s immune response to releasing toxins. As toxins break down or pathogens die, they can release harmful substances that can exacerbate symptoms. The symptoms from die off generally resolve within 3-7 days.
While some increase in symptoms is common, if your child’s symptoms or behaviors worsen, you can stop or reduce the dose before too many toxins accumulate in the body causing further problems. Failing to intervene in time, can cause extreme behaviors to develop.
Stay With The Process
The detoxification and die off process is slow, but there really is no alternative. Give the process time, stay consistent, and keep with the protocol as long as is needed.
Eventually, as toxins and pathogens are eliminated — and as other fundamental issues are corrected through diet and supplements — you will be able to get your child’s body and brain healthy and functioning as normally as possible.
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