Inspiring parents with natural solutions to create the most fulfilling, healthy and productive life possible for their children with autism. Empowering Parents with the Resources to Naturally Recover Autism from a mom who has done it. Having once been told her son could not recover from his symptoms of autism Karen Thomas now shares what she has learned through over a decade of personal research and experience that has brought her own son to recovery. Her background as a Craniosacral Therapist allowed her the awareness that the brain could heal if given the right support. Learn how you can allow your child a clear path for a happier and more fulfilling life with improved communication, better sleep, improved social abilities, and overall improved health. Get your FREE GUIDE to the top 7 foods to eliminate from your child's diet for better sleep, calmer moods, improved focus and speech at, NaturallyRecoveringAutism.com /7foods For more resources go to, NaturallyRecoveringAutism.com
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
The Autism Heme Dysregulation and Mast Cell Link with Dr. Beth O’Hara
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Porphyria is a build up of toxins in the blood due to a heem pathway dysregulation. Porphyria are iron-containing heme which permits hemoglobin oxygen transportation in the blood. It is triggered by many things including fasting, genetics, nutrient imbalance, rapid detoxification, candida, Lyme, viruses, mold, heavy metals, glyphosate and other toxic insult. The technical name is Kryptopyrroles porphyrins, also referred to as Kryptopyrroluria (KPU).
This also triggers mast cell activation. Mast cells are types of white blood cells that help to regulate the immune system. Mast cells can determine how our bodies react to environmental triggers like sugar, pesticides, perfume, pollution, and other causes of inflammation.
Detoxifying for people with KPU must be done VERY slowly. Even the candida cleansing diet that removes sugars and processed carbohydrates can trigger a KPU response. The toxin release may also trigger an autoimmune response of PANS/PANDAS, since a Staphylococcus infection contributes to a build up of porphyrins. There is an accumulation of porphyrins and pyrrole pigments by Staphylococcus.
Some symptoms of kryptopyrroles porphyrins (KPU)
- Rapid triggered extreme anxiety from the removal of sugars and carbs
- heightened skin sensitivity, especially to sunlight,
- cannot tolerate fasting or intermittent fasting,
- panic attacks,
- bowel issues of either constipation or diarrhea,
- hallucinations,
- chronic pain,
- cannot tolerate low carbohydrate or low sugar diet/candida diet (until heem pathways are balanced),
- very low zinc levels. A common copper to zinc ratio imbalance.
- sleep disruption
- abdominal pain
- back pain
Dr. Beth O’Hara’s biography
Beth O’Hara is a Functional Naturopath, specializing in complex chronic immune conditions related to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance. She is the founder and owner of Mast Cell 360, a Functional Naturopathy Practice designed to look at all factors surrounding health conditions – genetic, epigenetic biochemical, physiological, environmental, and emotional. Her subspecialties are Mold Toxicity and Genetic Analysis in the area of Mast Cell Activation and Histamine Intolerance.
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Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Autism and Leaky Gut Syndrome
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
What is leaky gut syndrome and why should a parent with autism be knowledgeable about it? Leaky gut is just as it sounds…the gut, or intestinal lining has holes that have been torn in it. These holes allow undigested foods into the bloodstream where the immune system sees them as toxic agents to attack.
From this immune response we end up with multiple allergies to foods and a cascade of inflammation that creates a myriad of health issues, including deregulating brain function affecting sleep, mood, appetite, ability to focus and learn, malabsorption of nutrients, depleted minerals, and overall systemic toxicity from foods and pathogenic bacteria. Let’s take a look at each and what you can do about it.
Some common causes of leaky gut
- Gluten (the protein in wheat) causes intestinal permeability. Also know that gluten free does not mean it’s healthy. Processed carbohydrates turn to sugar in the body and contribute to allow pathogenic bacteria to thrive. Sugars are also inflammatory.
- Glyphosate is the harmful herbicide that is sprayed on our food crops, especially wheat, and it destroys the gut lining.
- Casein is the protein in cow’s milk. Cow’s milk contains the bad A1 protein, has a lot of natural sugar in it and like gluten, it is inflammatory. Additionally, gluten and casein create opiates in the body so your child becomes addicted to them.
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Sunday Sep 06, 2020
The Top 10 Things Every Parent Of A Child With Autism Should Know
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
How I Got Here
It wasn’t all that long ago, that my son still had all of his symptoms of autism. He’d wake up screaming in pain in his stomach at 2AM, and I didn’t know why. He had emotional outbursts and tantrums. He’d have a hard time focusing in school and sensory issues and anxiety that made it hard to sit still. When people say things like, how can you want to change a child with autism? I ask them if they would want to live with those symptoms. Does that sound like a happy, and comfortable life? Could they even begin to share their positive contributions with the world when their anxiety and depression is so debilitating? Do they yearn for friends but don’t know how to make them or are treated like an outcast or even bullied?
This is what I wanted to change, and fortunately, it did. Today, all of those symptoms my son once had are gone. He is no longer even diagnosable. He’s calm, easy going, just graduated from college, he’s happy, and healthy. He has a ton of great friends who love being with him, and he’s comfortable being with them. He’s a writer whose passionate about writing science fiction and fantasy novels, and possibly writing for gaming companies. This may have not been possible before I began my own research and went down the path to find the causes of his symptoms of autism so I could work with them directly, not mask them with dangerous drugs like the doctors and therapists advised me. Yes, that’s right, their answer was to drug him and try behavioral therapies and wished me good luck and told me we’d be managing his symptoms the rest of his life. They told me he could not recover. People today still believe autism recovery is not possible. When I hear that I say, “Oh yea, well, talk to my son.”
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Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Histamine and Mast Cell Triggers with Dr. Beth O’Hara
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
What are histamines and mast cells?
Close to 100% of children with autism have histamine intolerance and mast cell activation. Histamines are released by the digestive tract and the brain in defense as an allergic reaction. The DAO enzyme helps the body break down excess histamines, but commonly, this enzyme is defective in children with autism. In histamine intolerance the body is over producing histamines and there are too many for the body to break down. This stress type response is a trigger for mast cell activation which creates a strong inflammatory response in the body.
Mast cells are our front line defenders helping the immune system recognize pathogens of all kinds, including electromagnetic field radiation. Mast cells help regulate the immune system, and protect us from environmental toxins. Histamine is a mast cell mediator. Too much histamine released causes histamine intolerance which causes mast cell activation. When this happens our protective mechanisms are broken down and we become hypersensitive to things we ingest or that are in our environment.
What are histamines and mast cells?
Close to 100% of children with autism have histamine intolerance and mast cell activation. Histamines are released by the digestive tract and the brain in defense as an allergic reaction. The DAO enzyme helps the body break down excess histamines, but commonly, this enzyme is defective in children with autism. In histamine intolerance the body is over producing histamines and there are too many for the body to break down. This stress type response is a trigger for mast cell activation which creates a strong inflammatory response in the body.
Mast cells are our front line defenders helping the immune system recognize pathogens of all kinds, including electromagnetic field radiation. Mast cells help regulate the immune system, and protect us from environmental toxins. Histamine is a mast cell mediator. Too much histamine released causes histamine intolerance which causes mast cell activation. When this happens our protective mechanisms are broken down and we become hypersensitive to things we ingest or that are in our environment.
Dr. Beth O’Hara’s biography
Beth O’Hara is a Functional Naturopath, specializing in complex chronic immune conditions related to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance. She is the founder and owner of Mast Cell 360, a Functional Naturopathy Practice designed to look at all factors surrounding health conditions – genetic, epigenetic biochemical, physiological, environmental, and emotional. Her subspecialties are Mold Toxicity and Genetic Analysis in the area of Mast Cell Activation and Histamine Intolerance.
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Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
E.M.D.R stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a gentle, non invasive therapy based on bilateral stimulation, (right, left), of the nervous system. It is often done through visual stimulation. However, E.M.D.R. is also effective by stimulating other parts of the body such as through hearing from right to left with sounds in headphones, or in the hands through tapping or hand held stimulators.
E.M.D.R. helps to free trapped emotions in the nervous system due to past or present emotional experiences being withheld. These can range from traumatic to seemingly uneventful times in our lives, but continue to effect our reactions to current life experiences, even decades later. Generally speaking, six or more sessions are needed as the layers are removed and replaced with more positive feelings.
Dr. Amy Hopkins
Dr. Amy Hopkins is a Licensed Psychologist with a doctorate in Psychology. Her doctoral project was entitled: An Exploration of the Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health. Dr. Hopkins
works with adults and teens and has a private practice in Newport Beach, California. She has certificates in EMDR, Alcoholism and Chemical Dependency, and Complementary and Alternative
Medicine. Dr. Hopkins has extensive experience working with trauma, grief, depression, anxiety, addiction, parenting, and interpersonal relationships.
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Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Brain Imaging with Neuroquant with Dr. Jodie Dashore
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Neuroquant is a technically advanced way to scan the brain for images that can offer valuable information on specific areas of the brain’s volume. This can show where the brain in smaller and more deficient so we’re able to work to enhance these areas.
Inflammation and coinfections of autism, such as mold biotoxins, and PANS, PANDAS/strep, can cause many brain abnormalities which we are able to assess with the Neuroquant scan. The neuroquant brain scan can offer information to tell us a bit more about how the brain is functioning and why certain behaviors may exist.
Nutritional support for the brain is incredibly important, so I offer you a quick reference guide on the top foods to avoid, but sometimes the brain needs some additional assistance to build neurotransmitters, or brain messengers, which can also come from natural brain support supplementation.
Further resources:
Please listen to radio show #83, where Dr. Jodie Dashore and I discuss the benefits of the Neuroquant brain imaging.
Find a Neuroquant practitioner near you here.
Additional radio show interviews on the coinfections of autism can all be found HERE:
- Radio Show #2 is on the comorbid symptoms.
- Radio Shows #7 and #34 are on mold biotoxins.
- Radio Show #11, 15, and 18 are focused on Lyme Disease.
Also watch, Mold Biotoxins and Your Health [Podcast]
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Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Nutritional Support for the Brain
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
In the 1970s, when the book Orthomolecular Psychiatry by the Nobel Prize-winner Linus Pualing, was released, it showed that mental illness on any level could be affected by nutrition as well as medication. At that time, the medical profession, especially psychiatry, disclaimed this knowledge that nutrition was helpful to health, especially emotional health or the functioning of the brain. Today, the information in that book has become elemental in treating chemical and physical disorders that lead to brain dysfunction as well as mental illness.
Medication and supplements are not enough. In order to build the proper levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, certain nutritional needs must be met. Chemical balance relies on enough of the good coming in and the bad being greatly limited.
Hypoglycemia should be avoided at all cost. Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar caused by a drop in blood glucose levels. This can also cause diabetes. It is caused by eating too many refined carbohydrates, such as foods and beverages with white sugar like soda, refined cereals, pastries, etc.
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Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Most children with autism and other neurological imbalances can become calmer, happier, have better focus, and retain information far better with the use of natural supplementation to assist their brain. Healing the biology from toxins, inflammation and infections is critical. Please see my free webinar to learn about each of these, and how it can be done safely, and naturally. The following are informational examples of options for assisting brain function with natural supplementation.
First, let’s learn a little bit about neurotransmitters.
Serotonin is a key brain chemical that is been identified in the physiological abnormalities in ASD and AD/HD. Serotonin is made from tryptophan with the help of vitamin C, folate, iron, calcium and vitamin B6. Tryptophan is an amino acid, which is a building block of protein. Children with developmental disorders often show amino acid deficiency including tryptophan. They also have an inability to effectively convert B6 to its active form P5P.
Serotonin is responsible for regulating:
Sensory Perception
Noise sensitivity
The natural supplement 5HTP builds serotonin.
Gut dysbiosis, as well as heavy metals can also effect levels of serotonin and dopamine.
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Sunday Sep 06, 2020
The Brain and Behaviors in Autism with
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
It’s important to know why your child may be behaving in certain ways or have difficulty either getting motivated or calming down.
Scientists have found that gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and GABA. Up to 95% of serotonin is made in the gut.-mood, sleep appetite. Listen to radio show #76 for more on neurotransmitters.
Additional infections and toxins that affect the gut (and therefore, the brain):
The gut lining becomes damaged due to factors such as an intense inflammatory response that leads to persistent inflammation (often the case after vaccinations due to mercury or viral exposure), mold biotoxins, lyme disease, PANDAS/strep infections, overgrowth of bad bacteria such as Candida, invasion of parasites, contaminated food and beverages, chemicals in processed food, dyes, preservatives, bad fats, enzyme deficiency, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen), prescription corticosteroids (e.g. Prednisone or hydrocortisone), a diet of highly refined carbohydrates, such as cookies, candy, soda, white bread, molds, and fungus from stored grains, fruit, and refined carbohydrates, pesticides, viruses, GI disease, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments due to the harmful impact on the immune system. All of these things are contributing factors to what is known as “leaky gut.”
Gluten and casein create opiates in the body. These opiate receptors caused damage to the protective lining of the gut. Therefore, we need to recover the health of the lining so it can do its job of blocking out toxic materials and absorbing nutrients from the foods we eat.
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Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Autoimmunity PANS and Streptococcal Infections in Autism with Dr. Medeleine
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
PANDAS or PANS is an acronym that stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders (Associated with Streptococcal Infections). In 2010, PANDAS became PANS, which is the current proper term for it, so you may hear both.
Autoimmunity is a common problem in autism. In the case of PANS the immune system will attack the brain. It is common when there has been an external stressor in life or an internal one such as an infection that there will be a PANS “flare-up”. This term is used when the infection becomes prominent causing many physical and behavioral issues.
Some symptoms of PANS include, Strep throat, flu-like symptoms, tiks, a reduction in language and speech, aggression, or a sudden onset of OCD, or anxiety. Other infections that are known to trigger PANS can be Lyme disease, and mold biotoxins due to the inflammation.
Proper antibody screening can help to detect PANS. Dr. Madeleine Cunningham has developed a test panel to determine the extent of a PANS infection. In this radio show #79, interview we will discuss autoimmunity, PANDAS and autism. How all of this effects a child (immune system, behaviors, neurotransmitters, etc) and the “Cunningham Panel” for screening.
Medeleine Cunningham, PhD
Madeleine Cunningham, PhD is the George Lynn Cross Research Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, and the Presbyterian Health Foundation Presidential Professor of Microbiology and Immunology and for the past 20 years has been the Director of the NIAID funded Immunology Training Program at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.
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