Inspiring parents with natural solutions to create the most fulfilling, healthy and productive life possible for their children with autism. Empowering Parents with the Resources to Naturally Recover Autism from a mom who has done it. Having once been told her son could not recover from his symptoms of autism Karen Thomas now shares what she has learned through over a decade of personal research and experience that has brought her own son to recovery. Her background as a Craniosacral Therapist allowed her the awareness that the brain could heal if given the right support. Learn how you can allow your child a clear path for a happier and more fulfilling life with improved communication, better sleep, improved social abilities, and overall improved health. Get your FREE GUIDE to the top 7 foods to eliminate from your child's diet for better sleep, calmer moods, improved focus and speech at, NaturallyRecoveringAutism.com /7foods For more resources go to, NaturallyRecoveringAutism.com
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
The Importance of The B Vitamins In Autism
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
The B vitamins, which are water-soluble, are crucial for a variety of reasons. Nerves cannot function normally without them. B vitamin deficiency along with heavy metal toxicity is among the leading causes of irritability, anger, and violent episodes. It is also commonly a problem among those with anxiety and seizures.
The B vitamins protect the brain from excitotoxicity, and a deficiency in B vitamins causes low taurine levels, reducing the body’s ability to detoxify. B vitamins are essential or crucial to survival, but our bodies cannot make them, so they must be provided by dietary means. The B vitamins also increase cellular energy.
VITAMIN B 1 (Thiamine)
Thiamine is another name for vitamin B1. Thiamine is involved in energy production, normal nerve functioning, and metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
VITAMIN B 2 (Riboflavin)
Riboflavin is another name for vitamin B2. Riboflavin 5- phosphate is the active form of vitamin B2. Riboflavin is important in normal nerve functioning, building ATP (commonly low with mitochondria dysfunction), increases energy metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, and assists in the production of glutathione. It is important for the health of the eyes, mucus membranes, skin, and fetal growth and development. Riboflavin is involved in converting vitamin B6 and folic acid into their active forms. It is naturally found in eggs, meat, and broccoli.
VITAMIN B3 (Niacinamide).....
VITAMIN B5 (Pantothenic acid).....
VITAMIN B6 (Pyridoxine)....
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Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Natural Solutions For Helibactor Pylori Gut Bacteria
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Helibactor pylori, or H. Pylori, are bacteria that are found in the stomach and duodenum (upper GI). We all carry these microbes in our GI tract. These otherwise harmless microbes become problematic when our gut flora becomes imbalanced and the cells of the stomach are damaged. Candida overgrowth is a direct cause of H. pylori problems.
Liver congestion is another culprit. When bile and toxins are frequently pushed back into the stomach, the cells become injured and weak and are then more susceptible to damage from pathogenic microbes such as H. pylori, which in this case can even cause ulcers.
H. pylori is also spread through saliva. Remember this when sharing food or kissing your child on the lips, especially if his gut is weak and he has Candida. By the age of six months, many babies already carry H. pylori.
H. pylori are strong, acid-resistant bacteria. Its resistance is so strong that it can survive stomach acid. This makes the stomach produce more acid, which damages the stomach lining. Their corkscrew shape also bores holes in the stomach lining. These factors cause non-stress induced ulcers.
Symptoms are often the same as those who experience stomach ulcers. The most common symptom is stomach pain, but other symptoms may include chronic migraine headaches, fatigue, lack of nutritional absorption, nausea, vomiting, weight gain due to the rise in cortisol, depression, anxiety, bad breath, sinus problems, joint pain, headaches, and lack of mental clarity. As you can see, these symptoms are many of the same that come from Candida albicans. .......
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Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
What You Can Do To Reduce Acid Reflux or GERD
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
In this podcast episode #99, We discuss acid reflux, (GER), and Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), where acid from the stomach comes up into the esophagus. Either way, the acid causes a burning sensation in the chest and throat and can cause damage to the mucosal lining if not worked with properly.
The most common cause of an acidic body is poor diet. Poor diet leads to poor digestion, which only makes the system even more acidic. Emotional stress also plays a role. Another common instigator of acid reflux is Candida albicans. The overgrowth of Candida or yeast in the gut will release toxins. This toxic waste effects digestion and the ability of the gut to produce hydrochloric acid. Disease, Candida, and tumors all thrive in an acidic environment. The only time we are vulnerable to germs is when our body is acidic. An acidic body also overloads the immune system and can cause problems ranging from headaches and allergies to adrenal and liver trouble.
Supplementation To Assist GERD
Assisting digestion with enzymes and supplementing with hydrochloric acid (HCL), especially with protein based meals, is often helpful to reduce GERD. Take them just prior to eating. For intermittent relief of burning symptoms, chewing on one Dr. Ohhira’s probiotic can help. By opening up the softgel the probiotic is able to work to balance the acidity in the upper GI tract. Supporting the liver and gallbladder is crucial too.
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Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Many steps but you must first elim the most harmful and inflammatory ones from the diet. Please get my free download of the top 7 foods to avoid and begin removing them slowly from your child’s diet.
Show #98
Working remotely,
It’s important to work with the root causes then once the toxins and inflammation are out of the way some of the acquired allergies can be eliminated. The allergies may be to much more than food. They can be to various bacteria or infections int he body or to environmental exposure to agents often not previously considered.
Trapped Emotions that Prevent Optimum Recovery from Autism
Underlying emotional components can be at the root cause for many individuals and they must be cleared so the path to health is open. Please learn more about Clearing Trapped Emotions with the Emotion Code from my interview with Dr. Bradley Nelson on this work.
And the results
Gut healing-allergy elim after
Yes, there is much involved in gut healing and if we don’t heal up the lining of the gut that is allowing undigested foods into the bloodstream so the immune system reacts to them then it keeps happening. The gut lining has many reasons why it may have holes like I mentioned, candida, glyphosate, mold biotoxins, Lyme. If we don’t get to the core of the issues then it keeps happening. Supplements are required along with the right diet for a long enough period of time, and getting the coinfections cleared. We also must support the organs of detoxification and their pathways during this process. It all takes time. Once all of this is done, or greatly reduced, the allergy elimination can work on eliminating the allergies that were acquired during the time when the gut was ill. Make sense? I hope this helps.
Hi! Some people aren’t interested in energy healing because they don’t understand it. That’s ok. The one thing is that what I do actually heals the gut. So you don’t need to heal the gut before you do the NAET because that’s exactly what I do. Part of why there is inflammation in the gut is because kids on the spectrum have so many food intolerances that everything they eat is causing them inflammation.
Cara Di Cicco-Sandre is a Speech-Language Pathologist specializing in the areas of early childhood language development and dysphagia in the stroke population. Di Cicco-Sandre received her B.S. from New York University and her M.A. from St. John’s University in Speech-Language Pathology. She has completed the coursework for her PhD in Speech and Hearing Sciences.
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Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Constipation and What You Can Do About It
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
The health of the colon, or the large intestine, is critical to overall health. Daily bowel movements must release toxic material or it can be reabsorbed into the walls of the large intestine. Constipation allows for toxic re-absorption due to the extended amount of time the waste stays in the bowels. Proper amounts of water are needed to allow for the removal of waste including pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics in animal feed, and carcinogenic agents in the air we breathe. Dehydration and lack of proper fiber can cause constipation.
The bowels effect behavior through toxic reabsorption, but they are also very sensitive to the neurotransmitters in the digestive tract. These brain signaling chemicals include adrenaline, norepinephrine, and serotonin.
Fiber is essential when feces are moving well to keep digestion on track, but contrary to popular belief, if the bowel is constipated and lodged with waste, taking fiber often makes it worse. Fiber acts to further bind what is not moving. If you are constipated, aloe leaf is an excellent choice for getting things moving. More options are listed below. Be sure to avoid binding foods such as gluten, cheese and red meat.
The large intestine also absorbs minerals necessary for our health. An improperly working colon causes nutrient deficiencies. Enemas are helpful to release fecal matter from the lower portion of the large intestine. Coffee enemas will stimulate the nerves in the liver and assist its detoxification processes. Colonic irrigation or colonics are an essential part of health. They gently remove old debris from the entire colon and its walls by cleansing it with distilled or purified water.
Colonics can be done as early as age six, although many children may not agree to this. If they do, be sure to see an Advanced Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. To find and I-ACT certified professional go to, www.i-act.org, or call (210) 366-2888.
The acronym H.O.P.E. is sometimes used to help remember what to do to assist the health of the colon. H.O.P.E stands for:
- High fiber
- Omega-3 oils
- Probiotics
- Enzymes
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Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
What You Need To Know When Extreme Symptoms Arise In A Child With Autism
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
When you’re detoxifying, and your child suddenly goes into extreme anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorders, fearfulness, clinginess, panic attacks, skin rashes that itch severely or even burn or blister in sunlight then this post will give you the common reasons why and some things you can do about it. They can also be why you might be getting derailed in the autism recovery process.
The very first stage in autism recovery begins with gut healing. The first step in stage one begins with diet changes. You must remove the bad foods that contribute to inflammation, and injured gut lining, and feed the pathogenic bacteria overgrowth in your child’s gut such as candida. When you do this the bad bacteria will begin to die off and detoxification begins. You must support this process with binders to help sop up the toxins. You can get your free guide to the top 7 foods to eliminate and learn more about why they are so harmful to eat.
What most parents don’t know when detoxifying their child with autism
Troubleshooting during detoxification is critical. This is something that took me years to find when I was on my son’s recovery journey. Had I known about it I would have saved myself a lot of time, financial expense, and reduced the stress and even panic that both my son and I lived in for so long. Not knowing what to do is the worst. You know, that helpless feeling of knowing something needs to be done but you don’t know what that something is. The doctor says they can see you in a week or a month but you need answers now. This can be extremely stressful.
PANS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome)
First and most commonly it is a sign of what is referred to as PANS. This acronym stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome. You can read the full details on it and listen to my interview with specialist, Dr. Madeleine Cunningham here, but in a nutshell, the symptoms are caused by the immune system attacking the brain. As you can imagine, the symptoms are severe.
Some symptoms of Kryptopyrroles Porphyrins (KPU)
- Rapid triggered extreme anxiety from the removal of sugars and carbs
- heightened skin sensitivity, especially to sunlight
- cannot tolerate fasting or intermittent fasting
- panic attacks
- bowel issues of either constipation or diarrhea
- hallucinations
- chronic pain
- cannot tolerate low carbohydrate or low sugar diet/candida diet (until heem pathways are balanced)
- very low zinc levels. A common copper to zinc ratio imbalance.
- sleep disruption
- abdominal pain
- back pain
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Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Have you ever wondered if your child could actually get better? I mean that their symptoms of autism could improve? Does your child have a particular symptom that you feel limits them from having a completely fulfilled quality of life? If so, which one is it? Is it a lack of clear speech, inability to focus and learn in a classroom, unstable sleep, anxiety and tantrums with overall unstable moods?
In this post I will share with you how others have successfully overcome some of these debilitating symptoms for their children. I will also be teaching a free 3 hour live virtual event this Saturday, September 26th, for parents of children with autism who wish to know how it’s done. Please be sure to register now at, NaturallyRecoveringAutism.com/masterclass.
After over 30 years as a Craniosacral Therapist studying the brain and holistic health, and almost 15 years now of research specifically on the needs of those with autism, I share this knowledge with you as a mentor who has lived through it myself. I know what your journey is like and my goal is to make your journey easier, more direct, with less stress because you have more confidence in knowing what to do for your child’s health to bring them to a productive, independent life, filled with great health and happiness.
What would you do if you had an actual roadmap in the autism recovery process? What would you be able to stop doing? Hunting and pecking through the internet constantly in search of answers, no longer jump from practitioner to practitioner or therapist to therapist “hoping” for some results but not really knowing what you need to do? Maybe you’re getting some results, but plateauing and not knowing where to go next.
Well you’ve come to the right place. After going through all of that myself on my own journey to bring my son to recovery from his symptoms of autism I began helping other parents. You know, mentoring them. I had lived it so I knew what it was like, and I have spent the years doing the research.
I was asked by parents, actually begged, to create a program that just gave the steps in an order they could easily follow. We as parents of children with autism are often overwhelmed and we don’t have the time or the bandwidth to search constantly on our own, but we need answers NOW. So where do you go?
So I created my step-by-step Naturally Recovering Autism membership. I chose the word “recovery” because the dictionary definition of “recovery” is to regain health”. This is what I am all about, optimum health, naturally achieved.
Click Here or Click the link below for more details.
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
How Diana Turned Her Son’s Autism Diagnosis Around
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Diana was once very skeptical when she heard it was possible to reverse her son’s diagnosis of autism. More importantly, she wanted her son to be able to talk to her, to sleep, focus in a classroom, to have the ability to be calm, and make friends. Today he has all that and more.
At age 2, Diana’s son was diagnosed with severe speech delay. At age 5, he had only two-word sentences, couldn’t sleep well, was not socializing, had very picky eating habits (only ate one type of food), screamed and threw tantrums all day long, was anxious and aggressive, and cried a lot. He was in special ed classes and not able to focus. He was not happy, to say the least.
At age 4, Diana took her son in for assessment and he was diagnosed with autism. At that point she was told it would be a year before she could get her son into an appointment with her doctor.
Diana read Karen’s story of her own success bringing her son to recovery from his symptoms of autism, and read the many testimonials from other parents that Karen had helped to get vast improvements with their children. Diana learned of Karen’s mentoring membership program that supported parents in over 40 countries.
DianaCf herself, that she is a skeptic by nature and needs to research everything. “I am a public health researcher by profession, with a very analytical eye. Your program is all inclusive and the information is quite easy to understand even by anyone who does not have any health background.”
In Diana’s own words:
I was very devastated when my 4 year old son was diagnosed with “autism symptoms”. After the diagnosis and in desperation, I spoke to myself and said: “for sure, this is it… autism like symptoms with my son! Nonetheless, I know he will recover from this and lead a normal life”. That’s not denial as some may think. It is called “FAITH”. As a mother, I knew that I needed to be strong in order to help my son as I trust God. I was very positive and ready to walk through the healing journey of my son.
As I desperately researched for information and programs online in order to help my son, I landed on Karen Thomas’ autism mom mentor program. I contacted Karen immediately and asked her a “million” questions about the program. It looked too good to be true and kind of a hoax! I was very hesitant to join the program. As I chatted with Karen (through emails), I researched on the information (supplements, foods, healing gut process etc.) provided by Karen in order to authenticate the facts.
I did lots of reading on my own to understand autism and its healing processes that Karen talked about. There was no pressure from Karen at all – she just narrated the journey of her son’s healing from autism. I took more than a month researching on autism recovery processes and trying to comprehend Karen’s program. Without any doubts, I joined the autism mom mentor program and religiously followed the recommendations of the program step by step, following everything religiously in the program.”
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Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
The Health Benefits of Quinton Trace Minerals with Robert Slovak
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Mineral deficiency is prevalent in children with autism. Actually, it’s prevalent in most people today because our the soil our food is grown in is so depleted. A deficiency in trace minerals is the core of so many issues that can be continuing to keep your child at bay from really getting well. Impaired children need this more because they don’t utilize trace minerals well.
Even what we think is healthy organic food has been grown in mineral deficient soil. That means your food is not giving you adequate amounts of the necessary minerals and nutrition needed for optimum health.
Scientist, Rene Quinton, recognized the biological and energetic properties of one, very specific phytoplankton bloom naturally occurring in only one place in the ocean. He extracted these trace minerals from a a protected part of the Bay of Bascay off the coast of Spain and France.
This particular area has a plankton bloom with both phytoplankton and Zooplankton. Sunlight then converts this bloom into the exact combination of minerals, amino acids, nucleic acids and more. What this means is that the 78 minerals contained within this sea water were in specific ratios that are very similar to that within the human plasma. This bloom then communicates with our cells for proper function.
The human body does not make these trace minerals, yet must have them for transmitting nerve impulses, muscle contraction, blood sugar regulation, nail, hair, skin and bone health, electrolyte balance, hydration and energy production.
Scientists tell us there are 16 minerals that are necessary for survival, but we need 78 to thrive. Quinton contains all 78. They are a natural seawater source, so they taste like salt water, and they come in small vials. You can the Isotonic Quinton minerals once a day, or a couple a day, if you like.
Robert Slovak’s Biography:
Robert Slovak is a degreed Mechanical and Astronautical engineer, best known as the co-founder, with his brother Jack, of Water Factory Systems in the early 1970’s. He is recognized as one of the key developers of Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology and its numerous applications.
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Sunday Sep 06, 2020
What Causes Autism and What You Can Do About It
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Autism is called a spectrum disorder because no two people with autism have the same exact symptoms. It’s a long spectrum with one end being those who are higher functioning and the other end being those who are very low functioning. The meaning behind the word “functioning” depends on their ability to navigate through life. Some symptoms simply make life more challenging.
For example, a very high functioning individual was once referred to as having “Aspergers Syndrome”. This term was first described in 1944 by Austrian physician Hans Asperger. In 2013, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5), removed the term Aspergers, and placed this diagnosis under an umbrella of autism spectrum disorders, lesser defining it.
How do health issues contribute to the symptoms of autism?
A study in The Journal of Neuroscience, Gut Microbes and the Brain: Paradigm Shift in Neuroscience, found that, “alterations in the gut microbiome may play a pathophysiological role in human brain diseases, including autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain”. The gut directly affects the ability of the brain to function. Bacteria in the gut communicate with the brain, and the neurotransmitters, brain messengers, are made in the gut. The gut also makes up 80% of the immune system. Conclusion: the gut controls the brain and the immune system.
What You Can Do
Many parents ask for my help. I like to begin with the first step in healing the gut, diet. Yes, autism recovery is much more than diet alone and it’s why many parents fall short of optimum results thinking that is all there is. Here we begin with diet then move forward from there.
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