Inspiring parents with natural solutions to create the most fulfilling, healthy and productive life possible for their children with autism. Empowering Parents with the Resources to Naturally Recover Autism from a mom who has done it. Having once been told her son could not recover from his symptoms of autism Karen Thomas now shares what she has learned through over a decade of personal research and experience that has brought her own son to recovery. Her background as a Craniosacral Therapist allowed her the awareness that the brain could heal if given the right support. Learn how you can allow your child a clear path for a happier and more fulfilling life with improved communication, better sleep, improved social abilities, and overall improved health. Get your FREE GUIDE to the top 7 foods to eliminate from your child's diet for better sleep, calmer moods, improved focus and speech at, NaturallyRecoveringAutism.com /7foods For more resources go to, NaturallyRecoveringAutism.com
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Interview with Dr Bruce Lipton on Epigenetics [Episode 122]
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Listen to this informative interview with epigenetics expert, Dr. Bruce Lipton. Epigenetics is the science of how genetics can be changed by our environment, whether it be from toxins, trauma, or our beliefs. This is called ‘epigenetics’. Only 1% of disease is caused by genetics. Ninety-nine percent is due to environmental factors.
From1:13 on, Dr. Lipton discusses autism more specifically. Please listen to the full interview.
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, is a cellular biologist and former Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine. His pioneering research on cloned stem cells at Wisconsin presaged the revolutionary field of epigenetics, the new science of how environment and perception control genes. His later research at Stanford University’s School of Medicine revealed the nature of the biochemical pathways that bridge the mind-body duality.
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Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Have you ever felt that you needed to “put up a wall” to protect yourself in a negative situation? Dr. Bradley Nelson refers to this as a “Heart Wall”. Once this ‘wall’ has been formed around your heart for protection it can build up and become stronger over time. With this protection comes a price. When our heart has been closed off as an emotional or psychological means of protection from negative feelings coming in, it is also closed off to allow incoming positive feelings such as love, and our ability to connect with others. The consequences can be quite harmful to an individual both physically and emotionally...
The Heart-Brain
Your heart generates 60 to 1000 times more power and electromagnetic energy than your brain, easily making it the most powerful organ in your body. When you were in the womb, your heart was formed first, before your brain. Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day, 40 million times a year, and if its connection to your brain were severed, it would keep right on beating...
Children and Heart Walls
Since 1995, Dr. Bradley Nelson, has lectured internationally on alleviating chronic and incurable diseases through energy work, and restoring balance to the 6 key elements of health in the body. In 2009, he channeled his life’s work into a simple yet powerful self-study course known as The Body Code system. During this time, Dr. Nelson shares that his personal observation has been that every child with autism has a heart wall! ...
Finding and Releasing the Heart-Wall
Heart Walls can be “hidden” to protect against being found and released since the protective mechanism in the subconscious is so strong.
Dr. Nelson says, “My experience is that about 80% of the general public will test positive for a Heart-Wall. Sometimes when we’re looking for a trapped emotion with the emotion code work the body may say that it doesn’t have any trapped emotions, when in reality it does. The Heart-Wall has the effect of making all trapped emotions a little harder to find.”
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Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Tapping Acupressure Points To Assist Emotional Balance [Episode 120]
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Tapping acupressure points to assist emotional balancing, also sometimes referred to as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, is based on a combination of Chinese medicine (acupressure or meridian points), and Western psychotherapy. Meridian points are connected to the body’s energy flow. They are like the body’s freeway network for energy. Sometimes this freeway has emotional traffic jams. When this energy flow is disrupted, physical and emotional issues arise.
When stimulated, these acupressure points send signals to the stress centers of the brain. These signals bypass the thinking portion of the brain. The thinking portion of the brain is commonly only accessed during talk therapy. In this situation, the body’s emotional energy pathways are not shifted. This is the key component to why Tapping these acupressure points works. It is treating the causes, rather than just the symptoms...
How To Use Tapping Points
Tapping is simple and painless. Anyone can learn to do it. While tapping with your fingertips on specific meridian points, you are to think of an emotional incident in your life that may be the trigger for current feelings and actions like anxiety, distraction, insomnia, relationships, financial pressure, pain, depression, and most disease. Measure this feeling now on a scale from one to ten, ten being the worst...
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Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
The reticular activating system (RAS) is a group of neurons located just above where the spinal cord is attached to the brain, also called the brain stem. It acts as the gatekeeper of information between most sensory systems and the conscious mind. It maintains behavioral arousal, consciousness, and motivation.
The RAS is like a magnet to your life through your thoughts. It receives input from the spinal cord, sensory pathways, thalamus, and cortex and sends messages out to the nervous system via the hypothalamus which in turn mediates our behavior. These behaviors are largely subconscious based on our personal belief system.
Limiting beliefs
We all carry limiting beliefs about ourselves and parts of our life. Once your limiting beliefs become your expectation your RAS will spend the rest of your life working to meet that expectation. You will only find more of what you expect to find, and your results will never exceed your expectations. That’s why it is crucial to inundate your belief system with a new and positive belief system that will grow to be the dominant beliefs as the old ones grow weak and less dominant...
The Good News
The good news is the person who reinforces the positives, despite the differences, will benefit from them. Results within your life, including those with your child will be reinforced by your beliefs, which can also limit what you create from what you BELIEVE you can do. The RAS wants to prove it to be accurate so it puts more of it into your box.
Take Action
What one or two things can you do every day to create your new desired life? ...
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Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Over ninety-nine percent of what we do everyday in our lives is created by our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is developed by the time we are seven years old. We can see the patterns of what we’ve drawn into our lives by simply looking around us. It’s what we feel ‘familiar’ with and believe for ourselves in many aspects including relationships, money, health, and more.
We Attract What We Think About (Desired or Undesired)
Self talk is everything! We attract what we think about so choose your thoughts consciously. Worry and fear can become our focus and we draw more problems to us. Keep your focus on any positives. We attract whatever we think about, so be sure you are in control of your thoughts and they are not controlling you…and your life.
One of our members in the Naturally Recovering Autism membership, noticed this working recently. She was so worried about the vocal tiks her daughter was experiencing that she didn’t realize the improvements that were going on...
5 Steps To Apply A Positive Mindset and Attract More of What You Want Into Your Life:
- Get clear on what it is that you want and set a date that you would like it to happen by. At first what you choose may be something more general because you need time for the specifics, but they will come. Eventually use these specifics. It’s OK if your date gets pushed out but having a date gives your mind a focal point.
- Create a clear picture. An image for your subconscious mind with colored details. Creating these images in color is important because the brain embodies it more completely.
- Add the 5 senses in when you think of the image in your mind; see, smell, hear, taste and touch.
- Include feelings. Really FEEL the feelings created by having your desire. See it as if it has already happened the way you want it to be and the excitement and gratitude around that. Any positive feelings that come up for you.
- Be consistent...
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Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
The Benefits of Collagen Protein To Help Transition Your Picky Eater [Episode 117]
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Leaky gut, or increased intestinal permeability, occurs when holes are created in the lining of the intestines. The lining can become damaged from food allergies, viral infections, inflammation, candida pathogenic overgrowth, hormone issues, non-steroidal drugs, and stress. Glyphosate is the harmful herbicide that is sprayed on our food crops, especially wheat, and it also destroys the gut lining.
When leaky gut is present, undigested food particles enter the bloodstream and are seen as foreign agents for the immune system to attack. Once these inflammation markers are made the body now has an ‘acquired’ allergy to that food. Please listen to my podcast episode #89, Autism and Leaky Gut Syndrome.
How Collagen Can Help?
Collagen makes up a third of the protein in our bodies and forms our connective tissues. It also supports joint health, skin, ligaments and tendons, blood vessels, organs, bones, and muscles.
There are at least 28 different types of collagen protein and they all consist of chains of amino acid sequences. Glycine, the most abundant amino acid in collagen, is found in 30 percent of collagen fibers. It is known for its ability to repair the tight junctions of the intestinal lining.
What Causes Collagen Deficiency?
Collagen deficiency can happen when there is nutrient malabsorption. This is very common in children with autism because they often have leaky gut. This further weakens the overall health of the gut lining, causes muscle loss, joint pain, bone loss, issues with teeth, and more inflammation.
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Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
How An Ill Gut Affects Autism Behaviors and What You Can Do To Help [Episode 115]
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Studies prove there is a direct connection between the gut microbiome and the brain. Many symptoms of autism can be caused by an ill gut and a leaky gut that can also allow toxins to leak into the brain. Environmental toxins such heavy metals and glyphosate, contained in the weed killer, Round-Up, contribute to this. The gut must also be healthy to produce enough neurotransmitters to allow the brain to function properly and support mood stability, appetite, sleep, and the ability to focus and concentrate.
Specific organisms in the microbiome contribute to autism spectrum disorders and the behaviors associated with them. Probiotics with spore forming bacteria have been shown in studies to reduce and even remove these symptoms. In this podcast episode we discuss this in depth with world-renowned microbiome specialist and researcher, Kiran Krishnan. Listen and learn the many causes of an ill gut and what you can do to help improve it for your child and your entire family!
Why Spores?
The product, Just Thrive, contains four of the most important strains for autistic children. These strains are known as endospores. spores read the microbial environment and kill off the pathogenic bacteria while producing compounds to improve the growth of the right bacteria. These are the good ones that promote a healthy gut. They are able to survive and withstand the heat and acid levels of the stomach. They improve the condition in the gut, so “the garden can grow.” This cultivates the right environment for the body to return to its natural state.
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Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Top Biological Causes of the Symptoms of Autism [Episode 114]
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Parents are constantly asking me, Karen, what does this symptom mean? If my child’s got this going on, what does that mean? What does that mean? And it’s usually connected to something biological going on. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I’ve talked about how the gut controls the brain, how much the gut microbiome and the biology of the gut has to do with how other things in the body are functioning, especially the brain. So I just wanted to go over some of the symptoms you might be noticing in your child with autism and why they might be happening to give you a greater idea of what the background is on that symptom...
A lot of those things. Gluten and casein can cause a lot of inflammation in the gut. We can even pass down candida in utero. We can give it to our children or they’re born with it. Then they’re weaker and more susceptible. Then we start feeding them solid foods. After they’ve been weaned off of breast milk or hopefully breastfed instead of bottle, but whatever you’ve been giving them, then we start usually adding in a process carbohydrate of some kind. And this ends up feeding this candida so the problem gets even worse. Then if you get a vaccination and I’m going to link to this really good study, I found on how vaccinations can impact the gut and the microbiome...
Please share it with anybody, you know, who would be interested. Thank you again so much for being here and being a proactive parent, and getting the resources you need. I look forward to seeing you next week with that next episode where I will be doing that expert interview. Until then take care and have a great week.
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Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Home Schooling Pods As A Safe and Happy Alternative [Episode 113]
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
During the covid-19 pandemic many schools have been closed for safety reasons. Often parents feel that their child being taught in a Zoom meeting is not enough of an education but also don’t want their child to be exposed to any unsafe environments. Additionally, schools may require that a child undergo certain requirements that their parent does not agree with. It may a teaching style or system, or a school mandated vaccination that a parent feels is unsafe for their child. For many reasons, a parent may find it necessary to look for alternative educational options.
Home schooling pods offer a better solution for many parents, especially those who choose to home school but have to work a few days of the week. Parents can trade off on days to teach and assist another parent on the days they have to go to an outside workplace....
How To Find Or Create A Home School Pod
Facebook has a growing number of groups. Go to Facebook and in the search bar type the name of your town, along with the keywords, “home school pod”, or ‘micro school”. If you live in a very small town and nothing appears, then type in the name of the nearest larger town near you. It may require a drive for some depending on where you live but you could also become the facilitator of developing a pod in your own town along with others interested. It’s not hard to create your own. Check out all of your options and go with the one that works best for you. The San Francisco-based Facebook group Pandemic Pods and Microschools, for instance, now has more than 9,500 members...
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Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Stem Cell Therapy For Autism-A Mom's Story [Episodes 112]
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
How does stem cell therapy work?
Stem cell therapy has been utilized by parents of children with autism for its ability to modulate the immune response by slowing or stopping pathological immune responses, and having the ability to be antigen specific. It also assists with the defect in T cell numbers associated with autism.
The lymphatic system are organs of the immune system with circulatory vessels and lymph nodes that transport bacteria fighting white blood cells to sites of infection in the body. Bone marrow of certain bones such as the pelvic bone, produce specialized cells that circulate throughout the immune system.
There are two major types of lymphocytes, B cells that attach to foreign substances to mark them as targets for destruction by other cells, and T cells that can attack and destroy cells. T cells have the additional advantage of coordinating overall immune response.
Is stem cell therapy safe?
Stem cell therapy transports the bone marrow from healthy individuals to those in need of immune regulation. This can be safe, if done correctly. This is important to note that not all stem cell therapy is done properly or ethically, and the bone marrow of unhealthy individuals has been used in many countries without proper regulation. There are unethical clinics doing this and charging extreme amounts of money to unknowing patients.
It is essential to be aware of foreign doctors from stem cell clinics holding numerous free seminars to recruit patients for their centers all over the United States. Is that legal? What precautions should parents take to not get roped in by dubious claims?
In my radio show #69, with Dr. Joy Kong, specialist in stem cell therapy, we discuss these issues and how to know where you can go to find quality stem cell therapy from reputable and knowledgeable doctors.
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